Digital Creations Section

Generate an Image with DALL·E 2

image generation with dall.e 2 and openai
Post by Amina Delali, June 02nd, 2023

What is DALL·E 2

DALL·E 2, an artificial intelligence (AI) system, that has the capability to generate lifelike images and artwork based on natural language descriptions.
In this post, we are going to use the DALL·E 2 API to generate images using python programming language

Create an API key

You must have an OpenAI account to be able to use the DALL·E 2. You sign up, then sign in to your account. And from your profile icon, click on View API keys.

Click on Create new secret key, copy it and keep it safe somewhere.

How to create an image with DALL·E 2 and Python

First of all, you have to install openai library. Don't worry, its very simple. All you have to do, is to open your command prompt and type in: pip install openai
In the code, we are going to import the library (import openai), and use it to make our requests. We will request an image generation, recuperate that image, and then display it on a canvas object created on a Tkinter Window.
The steps are simple:

  • set the api_key value to your own Open AI key. In the code, you replace the string "YOUR OPEN AI KEY" by your own key.
  • request an image generation from DALL·E 2: we will use DALL·E 2 API to request an image generation. The mandatory parameters are:
    • prompt: the text that describes the image to generate. In our case, the text will be: "A model with incredible shading and contrast, great at both photos and artistic styles, by cac0e."
    • n: the number of images to generate. We will generate only one image by request (n=1)
    • size: the size of the image to generate. It will also determine the cost of your request. There are 3 sizes to choose from. In our case it will be the 1024x1024 image size.
  • save the returned answer to a text file, just of safety reason. In case there will be later errors in the code. You don't have to make an other requests. Just recuperate the values you need from your text file.
  • recuperate the url from the answer. Below is the structure of the returned answer. In our case, it will be only one url value. So, the "data" list will have only one value. Since, the answer in our code is in the response variable. The URL value will be: image_urlresponse["data"][0]["url"]  
  • create an image from the recuperated url
  • create a PhotoImage object corresponding to a resized image, to fit later in our display
  • create the window of our application, create and add a canvas widget, attach the image to that canvas, then run the application.

The Code

import os
import openai
from tkinter import *
from PIL import ImageTkImage
import urllib.request

# Request an image creation From DALL·E 2

openai.api_key "YOUR OPEN AI KEY"
response openai.Image.create(
  prompt="A model with incredible shading and contrast, great at both photos and artistic styles, by cac0e.",

# Save the entire answer in a text file for safety
with open('answer.txt''w'as f:

# Recuperate the Image's url from the Returned Answer

# Recuperate the image from the URL, and save it localy into a file    
file_name "theGenImage.png"

# Create an image object, resize the image, then create a PhotoImage object
imageFile imageFile.resize((580,530), Image.LANCZOS)
imageFile ImageTk.PhotoImage(imageFile)

# Create the main window of the application
main_window.title("Python OpenAI Image Generation")

# Create a canvas object, and add to it the created image
can Canvas(main_windowwidth=580height=530,bg=bgColor)
can.image imageFile

# Start running the application

The Output

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