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What is Bluehost?

Post by Amina Delali. November 29th, 2020

Bluehost is a ..

Bluehost is a hosting service, that not only allows you to host your website online, but to also purchase a domain name.

It offers its services by providing subscriptions to different types of hosting for different limited renewable periods. For each hosting, you will be able to choose between different plans.The prices per month will change according to your hosting type, the duration of your subscription and the chosen plan.

What do you get with Bluehost ?

By subscribing to Bluehost, you will automatically get:

  • 1 Free Domain name for the first year: your website will have a unique domain name, that you will select from available names. For example: is the domain name linked for this website.
  • Free SSL certificate: it is useful since it provides security for the communications with your website.
  • 1-click WordPress installation: a website builder with multiple themes and ready to use widgets.
  • a 24/7 support : if you have questions about your website account, you can ask the support or you can use the available how-to guides.

How much does a subscription cost ?

Bluehost provide different types of hosting, and the price of your subscription will depend on the plan you choose for your selected hosting and on the duration of the subscription:

  • Hosting: you can choose between Shared, Shared WordPress, Online stores, VPS, or Dedicated hosting.
  • Plans: there are different plans for different hosting types. For example, for shared hosting, 4 plans are available: Basic, Plus, Choice Plus, and Pro. Each plan brings more features than the previous one. And of course, more features you will have, more the prices will increase.
  • Duration: for the shared and online store hosting, you can subscribe for 1, 2 or 3 years. The same duration are available for the remaining hosting types, in addition to 1 , 3, and 6 months superscriptions. Greater is the duration of your subscription, smaller is the price per month. For example, for the basic plan of shared hosting, the promotional price per month is right now equal to 5.95$/month, and the one for 2 year subscription is equal to 3.95$per month. But you have to consider that the prices for the renewal will not be the same (they will be equal to the regular prices).

Beside that, if you are interested in professional marketing services from Bluehost, and you live in the us, you can request a free consultation

What is Shared Hosting ?

Shared hosting is an affordable hosting that allows multiple subscribers to share the same server. So, when you purchase a shared hosting plan, your files will be hosted on a server, that is not dedicated only to you. But, it will also host the files of other subscribers. This type of hosting is not the preferred one for websites with high traffic. In this case , dedicated hosting will be a better choice for you.

Is shared hosting good for me ?

There are some benefits from getting a Bluehost shared hosting plan:

  • Even if your files are in the same server than other subscribers, your website performances are protected .
  • If you start with a small plan, you can always upgrade your subscription to get more features.
  • You can easily migrate to Bluehost, from an other hosting service provider. Bluehost will assist you during your migration process, to ensure the security of your files.
  • Bluehost domain manager facilitates your operations as updating, transferring or purchasing domains.

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